My Paris’ life

Photographer, content creator, Paris lover, native Parisian and …… Happy founder of  “Anne Jeanne in Paris”. I founded Anne Jeanne in Paris, a friend in Paris, in 2014

anne Jeanne at Ile Saint louis

Anne Jeanne, along the Quai d’Orléans, on Ile Saint Louis


I am a member of the 3d generation of a Parisian family. I was born and raised in Paris, so were my parents. My grand parents arrived in Paris at a young age. I live in the 14th arrondissement of Paris (Southern part of Montparnasse, on the Left bank) .

But … does being born in Paris makes a change ?

Anne Jeanne in Paris


Actually although I’ve become “a scarce resource” as there are fewer and fewer Parisians born in Paris who still live in the city (and even fewer Parisian families who have been living in Paris through several generations), I don’t think being a native Parisian really count so much concerning my “Anne Jeanne in Paris” activity.

It’s more about having known and loved Paris, through several decades, in its different aspects. It’s more about having observed and experienced the changes of the city, more a question of having been a child, a student, a single, a friend, a worker, a married woman, a mother in the city of light, which make  Paris culture and life an intimate part of who I am. This is what I enjoy sharing with you !


On social media (FB : Ann Jeanne in Paris) I share with you the Paris I love and know most

Up to recently, I’ve offered private walking tours : my goal has always been to share rather than to lead, to discuss and exchange rather to make you listen to a speech. I am not a tour guide, this isn’t the meaning of Ann Jeanne in Paris

Anne Jeanne in Paris this is a different state of mind, a kind of  “non-tourist” mindset, a different perspective. Breathing and experiencing  the city and its culture, rather than visiting it.  

I share with you the places and neighborhoods that I know and that love most, and that have a very special meaning to me, in my own life and in my family history too. Something personal, intimate and friendly.

croissant at the Deux Magots

Breakfast at the Deux Magots in Saint Germain des Prés


Now I live in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. In an Haussmannian style building, built in the early 20th century.

What do I prefer most in my building ? The entrance hall (!) the back courtyard and my apartment too. Also the peacefulness and the History of the neighborhood where so many artists lived especially in the 20s and 30s. Here I am in the entrance Hall of my building.

This is where Françoise Hardy lived until the 80s, a few dozen meters from my building. She used to shop in the same shops as my mother’s

In the meantime between my childhood and until a dozen years ago, I lived  in other different Paris neighborhoods too, in the 15th arrondissement (western part of Paris), and in the 17th arrondissement (North East part of Paris)


Anne Jeanne

After my secondary school years in the heart of the historic Montparnasse , I graduated with a Master in Law from Sorbonne University in the heart of the Latin Quarter. I completed this master by some more years,  before graduating with a second master in marketing and communication

I then worked in the field of Marketing. Then my family life led me to take another direction and I worked at the National Education for which I worked on a project related to the History of Paris and more particularly on Lutetia (Lutetia, the Gallo-Roman city before Paris was called Paris). This project reinforced my interest in Paris, its architecture and its origins.

This is surely what inspired and drew me to founding “Ann Jeanne in Paris, a friend in Paris”, in addition to my old dream and goal of creating my own business

Paris university

La Sorbonne Université in the Latin Quarter, Paris 5


All along the years I never stopped my photographer activity. On a personal level (family and friends ), as much as on a professional level  (portrait photography and architecture photography.

I carry on now, photographing Paris for social media, and I will soon restart my portrait photography sessions, offering you photo shoots with Paris as a backdrop. Stay tuned !

Place Dauphine


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