Tips and recommendations from a Parisian – List n°1

  • These lists are random lists in a random order
  • FB pages and groups are requested not to copy past parts (or more) of this article and to do their own researches
  • My suggestions and ideas are personal suggestions ideas and thus are  subjective by definition.
  • I have done my best to provide you with accurate information. But it might not be accurate.. So if you feel it’s necessary, you’re invited to check the information by doing your own research
  • French who come to my page to challenge the accuracy of what’s mentioned there (it will happen for sure…), but if you do so, do it with your sources of their information…
  • This page is dedicated to those whose mother tongue is English or for whom English is one of their means of communication and to people who love or like Paris. French people who know Paris better than I do, are invited to create their own page. French people who don’t like Paris are invited to choose a page that will offer them an appropriate platform

LIST n°1

  1. Choosing a restaurant : When it comes to choosing a restaurant, the Michelin Guide can be a great help. A reliable guide
  2. Cafés and Coffee shops : Don’t make the confusion between coffee shop coffee house and cafes
  3. Don’t buy tickets to anyone : Don’t give cash for tickets (more especially in tourist areas) metro, museums…) to anyone who is not behind the ticket counter.
  4. Don’t answer the clipboard petitioners. Don’t stop. Don’t speak to them. Just carry on your way. Avoid being stolen or abused
  5. What TTC means : You’ll most often see this French acronym on your receipt. It stands for “Toutes Taxes Comprises”(“all taxes included”), and lets you know the grand total that you will actually be paying for a product or service. 
  6. Mind your mobile phone  : Never leave you mobile phone on a table. Never keep it in the back pocket of your trousers (even more in touristic spots or in the bus and metro)
  7. Tipping : No tipping is necessary as the service is included in the bill. But although it’s not required some of us (me included) leave a tip when the service is good. Some of the places where we leave a tip : cafés, restaurants, taxis, hairdressers…
  8. Booking in advance : Get advance tickets as much as you can. For instance for these places : Eiffel Tower summit; Sainte Chapelle; Dior Museum, Orsay museum, Le Louvre…
  9. Solo trip and cafes : If on a solo trip don’t hesitate to go on your own to a cafe or to a restaurant, This is what many Parisians commonly do. This is perfectly fine ! 
  10. Take an umbrella : in Paris, the weather is unpredictable 
  11. Don’t try to do too much. Don’t plan too much activities or visits. Let yourself breathe the city and enjoy what’s around you. Spend time in cafés just relaxing.
  12. We are not all well-dressed. In Paris, you won’t see elegant Parisians everywhere. You will see  sneakers and jeans, as well as more elegant outfits, it depends on the people and on the places where you go to.
  13. Sunday mornings in Paris : on Sundays, Paris starts to get busy with pedestrians from 10:30
  14. “Service continu” : Some restaurants (not all of them) offer a “service continu” (which means that they serve meals are throughout the day, rather than only during the standard meal times). “The sign “service continu” is generally mentioned outside of the place
  15. Early mornings in a café : An early morning is a special time to enjoy a breakfast in a Paris café. Much less people, a soothing time in Paris, an opportunity to listen peacefully to the characteristic sound of Paris that awake. Best to go before 10am. A good alternative to having a breakfast in your hotel or in your B&B
  16. A café at the counter : Experiment having a coffee at the counter. This is another Paris’café experience
  17. Try to find authentic littles shops to get the gifts you want to get to take home rather than the typical souvenir shops in the tourist areas
  18. Cash : We still use cash in France
  19. Ground floor, 1st floor : In France, when you take the lift, the ground floor is 0 not 1.
  20. Takeway drinks : Parisians generally don’t have takeaway drinks


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